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New breeding and demonstration facility for the high-tech market opened

Sep 20, 2024
Sep 20, 2024
Harmoniz, a forward-thinking breeding company, is on a mission to reignite consumer interest in vegetables by developing products that are available year-round. Initially specializing in unheated greenhouse production, the company is now expanding its focus to high-tech varieties to ensure availability in all seasons. Last week, over 150 guests from 15 countries gathered for the grand opening of Harmoniz’s new breeding and demonstration facility.

CEO Ofer Ben ZVI

Entire value chain
“We look at the entire value chain,” shared CEO Ofer Ben Zvi at the event. “As a company, we don’t just develop seeds and varieties—we’re the first step in food production. Our role is to think beyond growers and consider the consumers who ultimately enjoy the produce.”

Board chairman Hagai Stadler emphasized that vegetables are more than just sustenance—they bring joy, evoke memories, and unite people across the globe. The driving force behind Harmoniz has always been the creation of vegetables with exceptional flavor, which Ofer describes as the “art of breeding”.

The aim is to craft produce so enticing that consumers will not only choose it first but will keep coming back for more. “We want to develop products that not only look good but create a craving with every bite,” Ofer explained.

Board chairman Hagai Stadler

Expand product range
To meet the demand for year-round availability, Harmoniz decided to expand its product range to high-tech, heated markets. “We can’t deliver great products only part of the year,” Ofer noted. “We need to ensure year-round production, whether it’s summer or winter, and in both high-tech and low-tech environments.” This led to the establishment of the company’s new breeding and demonstration facility in the Netherlands, within the PROOF center.

The facility includes areas for parent lines, crossings, and propagation, allowing the team, led by VP sales heated greenhouse Paul van Dijck, to develop new varieties tailored for the high-tech industry.

Premium varieties
Guests at the event had the opportunity to explore the facility and view Harmoniz’s product range, including its signature premium varieties.

Technical Sales Manager Wilfred Scheffers highlighted some of the standout products on display, such as the ToBRFV-resistant red and yellow cherry tomatoes Dulciz, the high-Brix Dormaplum, and the Tomruby variety, which combines excellent flavor, shape, and resistance. “These unique offerings are designed to encourage repeat consumption—a testament to Harmoniz’s dedication to creating memorable eating experiences.”

Breeding for the high-tech market is no small feat. Breeder Koen van der Knaap explained that high-tech greenhouses operate for up to 11 months, significantly longer than mid-tech cultivation. This demands plants that are resilient, with strong disease resistance to sustain production. “With fewer chemicals being used, plant strength becomes crucial,” Koen noted. He also mentioned that some of Harmoniz’s ToBRFV-resistant varieties have demonstrated heat resistance, tolerating temperatures as high as 50°C—a critical trait as greenhouse growers face rising temperatures and extreme weather.

After the main course, Harmoniz Seeds surprised its guests with a surprise act. Dessert was consumed in the reception area, where master mentalist Lior Suchard brought the evening to a climax. Performing his amazing mental feats, Suchard look the guests on an incredible journey through the wonders of the human brain.

Integrating R&D with technologies
The event underscored the integration of cutting-edge R&D with advanced technologies such as AI and visual learning, culminating in the flavorful tomatoes enjoyed by attendees. This holistic approach is what sets Harmoniz apart. As Hagai announced, the company’s impact is poised to grow with the release of its first commercial lines of peppers and cucumbers next year.

“The potential is enormous, but success depends on collaboration,” Hagai concluded. “It’s about partnering with growers, retailers, and producers so that everyone in the value chain benefits. That’s how a small but dedicated team like Harmoniz can bring joy to many people’s lives.”