Harmoniz Select, the ‘Boutique’ of Flavorful Tomatoes

The seed company Harmoniz presented the launch of its new line of unique varieties focused on pleasure at Fruit Logistica Berlin.
Harmoniz returned to Fruit Logistica Berlin to showcase its latest innovations. The most important is the launch of Harmoniz Select. With this new umbrella, the company aims to offer the best varieties at every level. Unique selections that express their full organoleptic potential and provide consumers with a pleasurable experience, both visually and on the palate.
“We want them to truly want to come back for more. And in this way, we also contribute to promoting a healthy diet,” explains Ginés Martínez, Project Development Manager for the brand in Europe, to Fruit Today.
Most of the developments within Harmoniz Select include resistance to the Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV) along with a good level of yield, making growers’ work easier. Every detail counts, always with the premise that “flavor is never compromised at Harmoniz.” In many cases, the development process begins with the final link in the chain—the end consumer—by identifying and observing their needs. From there, the next step is to establish alliances with retailers and the world’s top tomato producers.
One of the commitments of Harmoniz Select is to ensure that the final consumer has access to these selected varieties at their highest level 365 days a year. To achieve this, production is diversified and complemented across different geographical regions.
Ginés Martínez defines Harmoniz Select as a “boutique for the development of flavorful tomato varieties, where collaboration and professionalism among all players in the chain are key to the success of joint projects.”

Strong Branding to Highlight a Unique Proposition
The company also strengthens its branding to emphasize the differentiating value of its varieties and make it easier for consumers to find its products.
“The level of demand at Harmoniz Select is so high that we take responsibility for our varieties from the moment we develop the seed until the final consumer tastes our tomato. That is why aligning with the best is essential,” Martínez points out.
The variety offering under the Harmoniz Select seal is extensive, diverse, and focused on flavor and the most hedonistic pleasure.
In the cocktail tomato category, Viola Vine, a purple-colored variety, is achieving great success in the United Kingdom. The vine-ripened strawberry-shaped tomato segment includes Tom Ruby (red), Tom Violet (purple), Tom Gold (yellow), and Tom Orange (orange). Dulciz Duo is the premium proposal for yellow and red cherry tomatoes on the vine, currently nominated as one of the products of the year in the most prestigious supermarket in the Netherlands. Tomalicious represents the premium cocktail tomato offering.
Under the Sweetiz brand, Dorma Plum stands out as a mini plum cherry tomato with 9° Brix, high productivity, and strong resistance to ToBRFV. The pear-shaped cherry tomato lineup also includes Mirasol (yellow) and Honeyplum (orange).
Another particularly interesting variety is Sherbetz, a round cherry tomato in an “explosive green” color with an intense flavor. It combines herbal, fresh notes with a balance of sweetness (13-15° Brix) and a pronounced acidity, making it a truly unique variety.
Other Innovations
Alongside its tomato innovations, Harmoniz also took advantage of the trade fair to showcase additional launches, including its line of bell peppers and several specialty snack pepper varieties.
About Harmoniz
Harmoniz is an exceptional seed company dedicated to developing delicious vegetables that consumers choose first, and choose again. Relying on a culture of agility, creativity, quality and excellence, Harmoniz fosters a partnership-based approach along the value chain to deliver profitable growth for all. By working together with growers, retailers and consumers, the company is able to yield impactful and sustainable value, day in and day out.