Dulcimor, “high tech” flavor in the cocktail market

This Harmoniz variety has managed to carve out a place in large European retailers thanks to its extra flavor, which it combines with good production and fruits of homogeneous quality throughout the cycle.
Four years ago, Dulcimor, one of the Harmoniz’s cocktail tomato, broke into the market and, during this time, it has managed to open up an important place among producers and marketers, in addition to being very well received by large retailers.
“With Dulcimor, we brought extra flavor and °Brix degrees to a market that lacked them,” says María José Flores, Eastern-Area Manager at Harmoniz Ibérica, who also points out its “organoleptic quality” and, on the other side, its “good agronomic behavior” as two key aspects of Dulcimor’s success.
The first has allowed it to enter the shelves of large European retailers as a reference in the flavor and quality cocktail segment, while the second has earned the trust of producers and marketers.
Dulcimor is an early variety, with good setting in cold or warm weather, offering uniform consistant production throughout the cycle. Its plant is open and little vegetative, which reduces the risk of fungal diseases and, in addition, facilitates the application of treatments.

In addition, its medium-short internodes help to reduce labor costs at harvest stage, since “the number of times the hangers have to be taken off the hook is lower.”
For all these reasons, Flores affirms that although this variety is “adapted to cultivation in non-heated greenhouses in our area”, in terms of fruit and flavor, “it is similar to a tomato grown in high-tech greenhouses”.
For the entire supply chain
Dulcimor not only meets the needs of producers, but also of marketers and large retailers. Its homogeneous production throughout the cycle, with uniform large-sized fruits and trusses, guarantees consistent product availability. Additionally, the absence of cracking and good post-harvest life contributes to reduce to the minimum value the percentage of product waste.
In this way, supermarkets can place on their shelves a product that offers an extra flavor to differentiate their offers, achieving repeat purchases by consumers.
“In its four commercial years, Dulcimor has grown in the field,” says Flores, who emphasizes its quality as one of its great assets which has allowed it to enter the list of recommended varieties of major European chains.
The color of flavor
Harmoniz also has a wide portfolio of specialties that stand out for their high taste quality and attractive colors for the consumer, qualities that combine good yield and intermediate resistance (IR) to the ToBRFV. This is the case, for example, of the new yellow mini-plum Sunny Plum* (TT-826) and the orange Honeyplum* (TT-764), which will be launched to the market next season, in 2024-2025.
Both varieties are added to others such as the orange, brown and red mini-plums Cantando, TT-768 and Dormaplum, the last two, with high resistance (HR) to ToBRFV.