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Author: itria

New products for different segments of the tomato market

"After discovering that the Harmoniz brand is backed by 20 years of research by TomaTech and Nirit Seed, two Israeli seed companies specializing in tomatoes, I decided last year to put Carreras alongside some of the hybrids recommended by the company for the Fondi-Latina area and, in general, for central and southern Italy."[...]"

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Dalibor F1: New TOV tomato suitable for winter cycles resistant to cracking and blotchiness

"The segment of cluster tomatoes, after a long parenthesis in favor of small berries, in recent years is reliving a new season of enthusiasm for consumption. It is appreciated by growers and, as mentioned, by those consumers who are oriented towards a tomato perceived as adhering to the Italian culinary tradition, both in Italy and abroad. [...]"

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Harmoniz starts the campaign with 20 varieties resistant to ToBRFV

"Certainty. That’s what I would answer if they asked me: “What does the production sector need most at the moment?” says Maury Fernandez, General Manager at Harmoniz Ibérica. “We closed a campaign in which we produced less, and we saved ourselves because we sold well. “We closed a campaign in which we produced less, and we saved ourselves because we sold well. [...]"

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Midres and Basoche, ToBRFV-resistant midi and mini-plum tomatoes for winter cycles

"Midres and Basoche are probably the two most interesting varieties of the 2023 Harmoniz’s tomato range suitable for the winter cycles. “Says Giuseppe Busacca, Product Development Harmoniz Italia, and adds: "Resistance contributes to the success of these varieties: a very complete package [...]"

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Harmoniz acquires Plant Factory Netherlands to create Harmoniz NL

"Harmoniz Ltd., a global seed company known for its differentiated tomatoes, is thrilled to announce the acquisition of Plant Factory Netherlands. Previously owned by WPK, which distributes Harmoniz seeds in the Netherlands, this strategic acquisition marks the establishment of a new company entity, Harmoniz NL, in the Netherlands and heralds Harmoniz's expansion into the Northwest Europe heated greenhouse crops market." [...]

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