From the merger of two Israeli companies, Tomatech and Nirit, the new Harmoniz brand has born. The new firm the new brand brings together the tomato portfolio of the first (TomaTech) to the pepper of the second (Nirit) to become a new leading actor in the ever competitive seed market in Almería.
Tucait in El Ejido
One of its recent open days with the new logo and brand was intended to present in the field the first Harmoniz’s variety of plum tomato, Tucait, suitable for greenhouse crops in Almería and adapted to the short cycles of autumn and spring.
Let us take a closer look at Tucait in its spring cycle in the Almería west area. The greenhouse is in Santa María del Águila, in El Ejido, and the crop will be in production until the summer. “It performs very well under both cold and hot cilmate conditions, and works in autumn and spring cycles”, says María José Flores, commercial technician of Harmoniz, referring to the versatility of a tomato that behaves well in different areas, either in the Níjar area or in the Dalías’ one.
1. Javier Oliver y María José Flores at Tucait Open Day
Firmness with hot temperatures
Javier Oliver, sales director of Harmoniz, delves into its different marketing channels: “It performs very well for both cooperatives and alhóndigas because it has the characteristics that everyone wants: high production, firmness, weight and size. In addition to its excellent consistency with heat”.
Fruit skin and Color
Its adaptability allows it to respond well to hot and cold conditions. This is why it works well in the short cycles (transplants from the first of August until the beginning of January) as well in the cycles starting in January/February until summer.
“The skin is very good, as is the color. Tucait has no problems with microcracking, cracking or Blotchy,” says Flores.
Novelties 2023 in the large-sized Cluster segment
Constelación (TT-187) and Cosmostar, TOV for a complete cycle
Along with this plum tomato, this spring Harmoniz has also promoted its TOV varieties, such as the already known Cosmostar, a large sized cluster, and as a novelty the variety Constelación, with a slighlty smaller size.
According to Mª José Flores, Constelación is “an all-rounder in areas and crop cycles. A very intense red color without cracking and or microcracking problems”.
2. (Left) Cultivation of Constelación; (Right) Cosmostar cluster